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Nestec / About us

We Empower IT! About us

NESTEC - We are a value-add distributor of cloud and on-premise solutions for managed service providers and IT professionals with focus on security, communication and documentation of IT environments.  In our portfolio you will find well-known technologies and established vendors like N-able, Altaro and Anydesk, as well as innovative vendors and technologies that set new trends, help you create new projects and improve your service offering. In addition to solutions we provide sales and technical trainings, business and marketing consulting, and support our partners in all phases of the sales and implementation process.   LET'S WORK TOGETHER!


Nestec d.o.o. was founded in 2013. by Austrian Value-added distributor Nestec IT Solutions. We are a privately owned company with shared ownership. Nestec has a long history in IT distribution that dates back to 2002. We started as a IT distributor focused on FoIP solutions and expanded our business portfolio to stay in line with latest technology trends, keeping our core values along the way. We are a team of individuals pashioned about technology and IT services. Our main mission is to help IT resellers, MSP's and IT Service providers build, expand and improve their business by implementing technologies that protect, optimize and improve their business processes.

Check what our partners say about us!

Solutions & Services Cyber-security, Network, Cloud

Valuable Partnership

With vendors in our portfolio

We work very closely with our solution providers and try to establish a sustainable and fair partnership between you as our customer and the manufacturer. This includes meaningful partner programs, partner discounts that allow YOU to survive well in your business and a focus on quality over quantity, especially in service & support.

Services & Support

Competence, availability & speed.

... is clearly one of the most important things in our business. Because even the best solution sometimes poses a number of challenges, even for the best professionals. Some of our providers in the portfolio offer direct service access, for these and generally all solutions, our tech team is at your disposal, quickly and above all competently, if you have any questions or problems.


We are happy to share our know-how

Some things are just to comlicated to jump into, but you may really have the need for such solution. We support you with your projects and such situations in order to quickly and carefully provide best possible solution for your customers. In addition, we operate a number of services and cloud solutions that are ready-to-use with your customers.

Real advantage

Clear & Transparent consulting

You can trust that we offer the best possible solution FOR YOU and your customers, because a good, long-term partnership is more important to us than a quick, maximum turnover. We will therefore tell you openly and clearly if there are cheaper or better options for your needs. Guaranteed.

Premium clients

Extras, bonuses and appreciation

Premium programs, AAA customer rating, GOLD partner .... none of that is important, because at NESTEC everyone is a PREMIUM partner, no matter how high your turnover is and how many different solutions you use or sell from us.

Fast but not Furious

We are always in the lead here

Since 2002, NESTEC has been one of the fastest order processors in our industry. While you may not even have an order confirmation elsewhere, we have already delivered. Correct, clear and without great administrative overhead.

Reviews What our partners say about us

  • IDE3 d.o.o. Ivan Hendija, CEO & Owner

    ''Činjenica da surađujemo sa Nestec d.o.o. već 10 godina, govori koliko smo zadovoljni proaktivnošću, brzinom povratne informacije, stalnom željom da nađemo zajedničko rješenje te najvažnije - osobnim pristupom te pridržavanjem svih definiranih rokova i dogovora. Hvala Siniši i cijelom timu za prvo desetljeće fenomenalne suradnje! ''

  • Avola Solutions d.o.o. Gordan Remus, CTO

    ''Surađivali smo na nekoliko projekata i imali zadovoljstvo ugostiti Nestec kao jednog od sponzora DEEP konferencije, koju organiziramo. Svaka od tih interakcija bila je obilježena kako vrhunskom profesionalnošću, tako i odličnim međuljudskim odnosima.''

  • CITUS d.o.o. Gabrijela Vratarić

    ''Izuzetno smo zadovoljni dugogodišnjom suradnjom s tvrtkom Nestec u svim područjima poslovanja. Kvalitetna usluga, kompetentnost, ljubaznost i stručnost te uvijek brza reakcija na postavljene upite daje nam sigurnost i jača naše povjerenje. Veselimo se budućim poslovima."

  • Comversum d.o.o. Mijo Pejić, CEO

    ''Za naš uspjeh možemo uveliko zahvaliti našem partneru i distributeru NESTEC d.o.o. koji nam svakodnevno pruža podršku kako u distribuciji alata koje koristimo u svom poslu, tako i u podršci, koja je toliko kvalitetna da nemamo potrebu ikakve komunikacije se Vendorima.

  • Combis, HT Group Hrvoje Petrović

    ''Od mnogih tvrtki sa kojima sam surađivao, tvrtka Nestec se uvijek isticala kvalitetom, brzinom usluge i izuzetno korektnim poslovnim odnosima. Uz široko područje znanja i ekspertizu, te personalizirani pristup stvorili smo vrlo ugodan i produktivan poslovan odnos, koji ćemo vjerujem nastaviti i kroz mnoge buduće projekte. Takvi partneri se cijene!

  • Stroka Business Group Marko Prot

    ''S podjetjem Nestec d.o.o. sodelujemo že vrsto let. Zanesljivost, prilagodljivost in hitra odzivnost partnerja oz dobavitelja je pri našem poslovanju izredno pomembna. Vse to smo v podjetju Nestec tudi dobili. Za uresničevanje naše vizije »IT ljudem« so korektni poslovni odnosti ključni in s to popotnico nadaljujemo tudi v bodoče.

  • Callidus Grupa Martina Trgovac

    ''Nestec d.o.o., osobito g. Siniša Vojtek je primjer kako bi trebao izgledati partnerski odnos, uz Vašu “kreativnost” osobito pri pokretanju novih projekata i “privlačenju” novih klijenata uvelike smo poboljšali našu izvedbu.

  • UNIJA SIBIT d.o.o. Uroš Pernuš, Information Technology Director

    ''S podjetjem Nestec d.o.o. zelo uspešno sodelujemo že vrsto let. Vedno nas prijetno preseneti njihova odzivnost in kakovost storitve. Tudi zaradi njih lahko zagotavljamo kakovostno storitev našim strankam. Posebna pohvala gre g. Siniši, ki nam osebno priskoči na pomoč, ko je to najbolj pomembno. Veselimo se nadaljnjega uspešnega sodelovanja.''

  • Ventex Business Solutions Daniel Legin

    ''Vrlo smo zadovoljni suradnjom i podrškom od strane Nestec-a. Ističemo stručnost, ljubaznost, susretljivost te brzinu kojom odgovaraju na naše zahtjeve i potrebe.''